How you see the World

Your spatial intelligence is how you see the world. It is how you interpret what you see visually such as maps, plans, and pictures. Spatial intelligence is one of the least recognized of our mental abilities, compared to mathematical intelligence, for example. Yet, without any spatial ability we would never remember how to find our way home any time we went out.Spatial intelligence is the ability to understand three-dimensional forms and images and the ability to interpret those dimensions without actually seeing them; for example, putting together a jigsaw puzzle. If you have highly developed this intelligence you probably learn best visually.Symbolization and mind maps are key indications to meet this intelligence. In other way, you can follow Picasso. Everything you can imagine is real. Or Einstein, imagination is more important than knowledge.

Can you interpret what your Eyes cannot See?

Spatial intelligence is a right side of the brain function. Often stroke and other injuries cause this part of the brain to lose its function and, while they can still visually see, their spatial intelligence is impaired.

Do not confuse spatial intelligence with the physicality of sight. They are two different types of seeing. For example, someone who is blind can still interpret shapes though they cannot see them. Spatial intelligence is not related to your intellect or to your overall intelligence.

This intelligence is an ability, or skill, where you use your mind to picture the shapes and space of things in your mind. Quite simply, it is your ability to hold that form in your mind’s eye. It is especially helpful to sailors using compasses, the sun and stars, to navigate the seas.

People with high spatial intelligence have no problem seeing the world as an observer. They usually do this naturally, without even thinking. If this sounds like you, you will have the ability to imagine yourself as a bee collecting pollen, flying from flower to flower or as an observer hiding behind a set of curtains watching what is going on.

If you like this, you probably enjoy art, have a vivid imagination, talk quickly, always have the big picture in mind, and are good at map reading. You probably learn best visually and may even have a photographic memory.People with this ability usually succeed in the arts and science fields such as:

• navigators

• designers

• architects

• film makers

• physicists

• chess players

• dentists

• inventors

• tour guides

Spatial Intelligence Traits

People with predominant spatial intelligence have similar traits and characteristics, and are easily recognizable, such as they:

• are good drivers

• enjoy activities such as photography, painting, geometry, sculpting, and so on

• are good at map reading, directions and remembering how to get places

• are fast talkers

• are good at solving puzzles

• enjoy color, shape, and form

• prefer video to just sound recordings

• often doodle or scribble

• think in pictures

Seven Tips to Increase your Spatial Intelligence

You can increase you spatial intelligence using these seven simple tips:

1. Take an Art Class: Art classes are not limited to painting and drawing, but include photography, sculpting, pottery, and so on. Take an art class to learn how to break objects down in your mind to draw, photograph, or recreate them in another form.

2. Rearrange your Home: By rearranging the furniture and things in your house, it helps you to envisage what will fit where and how to best maximize the space of the room. By rearranging your home, you will eventually be able to do this in your head before you move any furniture.

3. Practice Map Reading: Expanding your navigation skills helps you to connect distance and space. Volunteer to navigate whenever travelling on road trips to get plenty of practice map reading.

4. Highlight what is Important: Use colored pens to highlight important information, and use pictures and artwork to help you learn.

5. Exercise your Brain with Puzzles: Do puzzles, such as jigsaw puzzles, to give your brain a good workout. Start small with jigsaw puzzles and work your way up to more difficult ones like Rubik’s Cube.

6. Use Spatial Games to Train your Brain: There are a lot of online websites that have games and quizzes to train your brain. Play with them to give your brain a good mental workout.

7. Learn How to Judge Distances: Learn how to judge distances, such as when you have driven a mile or walked 600 meters. Do this by checking your vehicle’s odometer and then checking it afterwards. You can check your walking route by measuring it using your car.

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