The Components of a Resume Format

So you have prepared a resume. The next question is, did you use a standard resume format? When applying for a job, the first thing that a hiring manager will look at is the style and form with which your resume is written. Only then will he look at the actual content. Make sure you have the right format so your resume does not end up in the back-up file section. How? Let us show you.

You might be confused on the type of resume format you should use when applying for a job. In fact, you may not be aware that there are two basic kinds of formats you can use depending on the kind of job you are applying for and depending on your current circumstance. It is important to use a standard format when writing a resume because it will significantly affect how your potential employer will look at your sense of being organized. Too many times, resumes with bad formats do not get read; they are just thrown away. Here, we have detailed the two kinds of format you can use at any job you are applying for. These two formats are also accepted internationally and have also broken down the contents for you.

The Chronological Resume

This resume format is probably the most popular and mot used of the three formats. This is precisely because this format allows the reader easy navigation of a person’s career history. The order of the content is also logical and easy to understand. In this format, the work experience of the applicant becomes the main body of the resume. The list of the work experience is arranged from the last employment, tracking backwards until the farthest that is also relevant to the job being applied for.

Ideally, you only use this resume format if you have a rich employment background. In some instance, you may also use this format even if you have only a few relevant job experiences but learned relevant skills from these jobs in relation to the job you are applying for. The reverse chronological format, however, uses the same logic but starts the work experience from the oldest to the most recent.

A common pattern for this resume format will look like this: • Header (name and contact numbers)

• Objective

• Professional Experiences

• Educational Background

• Special Skills

• Character References

The Functional Resume

In this format, what you need to focus on is selling your skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This is a very simple format that lets the reader know of your demonstrated capabilities and experiences. You only use this format if your primary goal is to let the employer see your high competency. It is wise to use this resume format if you have a mixed career background, meaning you did not stay in the same industry in your different jobs. You can also use this format if your most recent job has no relevance to the new job you are applying for or if you were unemployed for a specific period of time.

Typically, a functional resume will have this pattern:

• Header (name and contact numbers)

• Objective

• Summary of Qualifications

• Highlights of Career

• Work History

• Educational Background

• Special Skills

• Character References

The Format Breakdown

To help you better understand the contents of the resume contents mentioned in the two types of resume format above, we have broken them down for you to give you a general idea what you should indicate on every sub-header of your resume.


This part of your resume should contain your legal name, your street address, email address, and phone number.


The objective should be made of one sentence only, specifically indicating the position you are applying for.

Summary of Qualifications

You can use a few bullet points to highlight your qualifications based on the skills required for the job you are applying for.

Highlights of Career

In this area, you need to place the specific jobs you handled and the achievements you had. These achievements should display specific skills that are relevant to the job you are aiming for.

Professional Experiences

This is where you list the companies you worked for, the inclusive years and basic descriptions of your functions in that job.

Educational Background

In this area, only place the highest level of education you had, the school name, and the year you graduated.

Character References

Place the names for your former bosses or names of people of good character that can vouch for you. You should also put their current titles, company names, and contact numbers.

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