Identify Natural Abilities

Do you know what you are best at? Do you know what your natural strengths are? A career profile test will help you clarify and identify you natural talents and strengths and give you suggestions for career paths that will complement them.How did you answer these questions? Hopefully you did not say, “I wish I had some talent.” If you did, then it is time you wake up and take a career profile test to prove to yourself you do have natural talents. You are underestimating yourself if you think otherwise.

You may not be able to dance, conduct scientific experiments or manage a large organization, but how many people truly can? Is that what you even want to do?

If you are someone who thinks talented people are the artists, poet’s writer or actors, then think again. Sure, they are talented and have been lucky enough to understand and know what their talent is. They have had the opportunity to grow their talent. There is no reason why you cannot do the same – discover what you are naturally good at.

The Difference between Talent and Skill

Talent is something you are born with, and have a natural aptitude for and skills are learned throughout your life. Career profile tests will help you identify your natural talents as well as your skills. These tests then help you to see yourself for who you truly are- not just what you believe yourself to be.

A good example of the difference between skill and talent is my young German shepherd is a complete natural when it comes to doing dog obedience. Yes, it took training to get her into the competition ring, but it was something she did naturally and we were in the ring within 12 months.

Whereas, my older German shepherd took more than three years to get into the ring. He does not have a natural aptitude for dog obedience but he learned the skill, and it was never something he really wanted to do unless there was a treat at the end of it.We can all learn skills as a part of our careers but unless we are using our natural talents we may never be truly happy going to work day after day after day.

How to Identify Natural Talents

While a career profile test will help you identify any hidden talents, you should already have a good idea what you are naturally good at. Someone with a natural talent for engineering, for example, is fairly easy to identify. Many successful engineers say they constantly built things when they were children. They were always fascinated with the way things worked. As children they were always pulling watches or motors apart, or building tree houses. Becoming an engineer was a natural progression as they went through school, and in choosing and pursuing a professional career.

Sample Questions from the Career Profile Test

Here are some samples of questions you will encounter on a career profile tests.

1. I keep my thoughts to myself.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

2. I am always the life of the party.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

3. I do not talk very much.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

4. I love to talk with everyone I meet.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

5. I prefer not to be noticed and to work in the background.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

6. I tend to be quiet around strangers.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

7. I love large parties and events.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

8. I do not like to be in the limelight.

a. Very inaccurate

b. Moderately inaccurate

c. Neither inaccurate or accurate

d. Moderately accurate

e. Very accurate

If you want to change your life and are not sure what direction to take, get to know yourself better through a career profile test.

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