Myths about the Average American IQ

Whatever research you read, it tells you the average American IQ is 98 and it intimates the average American IQ is declining over the years. Not only this, the average American IQ only ranks at 19 in the world.

Since French psychologist Alfred Binet devised the first intelligence test in 1905, and US psychologist Lewis Terman first used the term intelligence quotient in 1916, intelligence measurement became the subject for worldwide debate. There is no dispute you are a genius if you have a high IQ, but there are many myths surrounding IQ and the American IQ.

This is the foremost myth as many people confuse intelligence quotient and intelligence.

If you are highly intelligent, the assumption is you adapt easily to change and new situations. If you successfully do this by solving problems and learning new skills along the way, you are considered intelligent.

Intelligence is not measurable as it is merely a term. Intelligence quotient is expressed in a mathematical ratio derived from single or sets of tests designed to measure relative intelligence.

IQ never Changes?

Another common misconception is that your IQ never changes. If people took an IQ test more often they would see the average American IQ changed.

Because your score is a ratio, your IQ score changes in relation to what you know and learn throughout your life. For example, if you take a test in the 28 age group when you are 21, then take it again three years later your score cane go either up or down depending on the level of life experiences, learning, and education you have in the interim.

IQ is Genetically Relevant

Many people believe your IQ is genetic. Many assume because both parents have a low IQ so will their children, and vice versa.Both genetics and the environment a child grows up in influence IQ. It is not accurate, but up to 80 percent of the American IQ is hereditary with the remainder derived from external stimulations.

Imagine this, if you grew up in isolation totally deprived of human interaction how intelligent would you be in today’s society?

It is not hard to answer.

IQ is dependent on the level of external stimulus it receives as it develops and cannot solely depend on genetics.

You can only be Intelligent in one Area

There is a misconception that if you do well in one area of intelligence then you cannot do well in others.Intelligence quotient covers all aspects of your intelligence so, in fact, highly intelligent people tend to do well on all the tests and a mentally challenged person will tend to do poorly on them all.

IQ as a Racist Term

Many claim that IQ is a term that discriminates against minorities.One explanation for this is that people with low IQs from other countries use this as an excuse. Possibly this is true. More likely though is that the tests are written for the average American IQ and cultural, environmental, educational, religious, and social differences are not allowed for in tests taken by non-US citizens.

Intelligence Quotient has no Importance

These days, people tend to believe intelligence quotient is not important for success and that it is more important to have motivation, personality, and be prepared to work hard.These are all needed for success in conjunction with your IQ. And for basic success in life you need at least an average IQ. If you have a less than average IQ, you start to fall into the mentally retarded categories and no amount of hard work, motivation, or personality will make you successful without the IQ to learn basic life skills.

While there are many controversies about the average American IQ and what it all means, these are destined to continue as there are no definitive answers to measuring intelligence quotient.All we need to really worry about as individuals is whether we are smart enough to earn a living and be successful in our lives. You do not have to be a genius to achieve this. Anyone with an average American IQ can achieve this with good old fashioned hard work and a willingness to embrace change and learn from their mistakes.

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