Theories of Intelligence Define Intelligence

Theories of intelligence help define intelligence in a measurable way. In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences to find a way to define what intelligence is and whether the ways intelligence, or aspects of it, is currently measured are really scientific.

Gardner argued that the traditional definition of intelligence does not cover the full range of abilities that, we as human beings, are capable of sufficiently. For example, he believes that a young person who masters arithmetic is not necessarily any more intelligent than someone who struggles with arithmetic. He argues that the second person may have strengths in other areas and:

1. May learn the same material better if the material is presented differently

2. May have exceptional skills in other fields.

3. May even look at arithmetic at a much deeper level and even have a hidden intelligence that the young person needs developing.

There are seven types of intelligence within Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences:

• Logical Mathematical

• Visual Spatial

• Bodily Kinesthetic

• Intrapersonal

• Verbal Linguistic

• Musical Rhythmic

• Interpersonal

Logical Mathematical Intelligence Type

Logical mathematical intelligence includes reasoning, logic, numbers, and abstractions. Most people assume people who fall into this intelligence type are brilliant at things like chess, mathematics, and other things that involve arthimatic; this is not necessarily the case.

Theories of intelligence define this in the more traditional way with the emphasis on traditional mathematical abilities, recognizing abstract patterns of logic, completing complex calculations, scientific thought and investigation.

People defined as logical mathematical excel in careers such as engineers, economists, scientists, doctors, and mathematicians.

Visual Spatial Intelligence Type

People with a high visual spatial intelligence are sensitive to space, color, line, shape and form, and can mentally visualize and manipulate objects. They can reproduce drawings of objects and understand the different aspects of reproducing what they visualize to bring it to life.

The persons having high visual spatial intelligence excel in careers such as cartographers, artists, and architects.If you are good at repairing machines, jigsaw puzzles, reading maps, and drawing you are spatially intelligent.

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence Type

Bodily kinesthetic intelligent people learn better using body movements, and normally are naturally good at sports and dancing. They are good at building and making things, or may be performers of some sort.

Those high in this intelligence usually learn best by physically doing something rather than in any other way. The theories of intelligence indicate that they remember things through their bodies.People with a high level of bodily intelligence excel in careers such as actors, athletes, musicians, surgeons, police officers, dancers, builders, and soldiers.

Intrapersonal Intelligence Type

Someone with high intrapersonal intelligence tends to be introspective and intuitive. They are good at understanding their own motivation and feelings, and have a deep understanding of oneself.People with a high level of intrapersonal intelligence tend to prefer to work alone and excel in careers as lawyers, philosophers, theologians, writers, marine biologists, and psychologists.

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence Type

Verbal linguistic intelligence is the spoken or written word. People with high verbal linguistic skills are good with languages, storytelling, memorizing words and dates, reading, and writing. They learn best either reading, or listening to discussions, debates, and lectures. These people are also highly skilled at teaching and public speaking, and find learning foreign languages easy.People with a high level of intrapersonal intelligence excel as journalists, lawyers, teachers, politicians, writers, philosophers, and poets.

Musical Rhythmic Intelligence Type

If you have musical rhythmic intelligence you are sensitive to sounds, music, tones, and rhythms. You will have a naturally good pitch and will be a talented musician, singer, or composer. People high in this intelligence learn best listening to lectures.People with a high level of intrapersonal intelligence excel as composers, disc jockeys, singers, composers, instrumentalists, conductors, and writers.

Interpersonal Intelligence Type

Theories of intelligence define interpersonal intelligence as how you interact with other people. If you have high interpersonal intelligence you may be an extrovert, and sensitive to the moods, temperaments, and feelings of those around you.You learn best by interacting with people and through debates.People with a high level of intrapersonal intelligence excel as teachers, salespeople, social workers, politicians, and managers.

Which intelligence type are you? If you want to put the theories of intelligence to the test get online and find out your intelligence type to help your career.

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